1. The event of setting foot on the moon was fake
It’s been four decades since Neil Armstrong took the `leap for mankind` by setting foot on the moon.
Skeptics say the United States wanted to beat the Russians in the space technology race by faking the moon landing.
More surprisingly, up to 6% of Americans believe in this conspiracy theory, 5% keep a neutral opinion.
2. The movie `Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory` is a children’s version of Saw
This movie with the appearance of actor Johnny Deep must have become the childhood of many people.
Willy Wonka also arranged `punishments` for the bad child, leading many to theorize that he was actually a serial killer.
A bit dark for a children’s movie, right?
3. The sinking of the Titanic was planned in advance
According to this hypothesis, the Titanic crash into a giant iceberg and that historic shipwreck was completely pre-arranged.
The conspiracy theory revolves around the fact that Morgan initially planned to get on the boat, but later changed his mind.
4. The ice challenge is a satanic ritual
In 2014, the Ice Bucket challenge, or pouring ice water for charity purposes, spread across social networks for more than a year.
Easily capturing the attention of many people around the world, such famous stars made some people question the true purpose of this challenge.
More obscure, evidence supporting this theory is the death of one of the founders of the challenge and the charity.
The Boston Globe reported that Griffin drifted out to sea and his body could not be found.