21 September 2024
Decoding the mystery: How interesting is the `pleasure` story of snakes? 3

Decoding the mystery: How interesting is the `pleasure` story of snakes? 3

In the previous article, we learned about some extremely strange characteristics surrounding the `pleasure` of snakes.

4. Children like to be in control of love

Obviously, there are two relatively basic truths.

The female is always the one who decides to choose her mate, no matter what the stubborn male does.

5. Procrastination is death?

Just like spiders, the phenomenon of cannibalism also occurs in some snake species.

Decoding the mystery: How interesting is the `pleasure` story of snakes?

Although it is not yet clear, scientists believe that this action also helps the female increase nutrition during her pregnancy.

6. Loyalty and true love?

We all know that male snakes’ sexual organs – semi-penis – can help them easily switch mating partners to another snake.

Decoding the mystery: How interesting is the `pleasure` story of snakes?

The reason is because: They spend a lot of energy finding a mate, and they are often captivated by large-sized females.

7. The first male is willing to `play dirty`


Decoding the mystery: How interesting is the `pleasure` story of snakes?

So how will they play?

Although it is not always 100% successful, as they can fall out.

It doesn’t stop there, males have even more bizarre tactics.

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