21 September 2024
Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2) 3

Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2) 3

In the past, there have been many times when the heroes of the Marvel universe have obtained power sources from outside the Earth and become much more powerful.

(Continued article part 1)

6. Superior Spider-Man with Power Cosmic

In the Superior Spider-Man series not long ago, former Doctor Octopus and also Superior Spider-Man Otto Octavius faced an enemy from space: the former herald of Galactus, Terrax the Tamer.

While fighting Terrax, Superior Spider-Man asked Anna to complete a machine similar to the device Doctor Doom used to steal the Silver Surfer’s powers in the past.

7. Dark Phoenix Cyclops

During the Avengers vs.

Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2)

After Colossus, Magik and Namor were defeated, Cyclops decided to take Emma’s Phoenix powers and kill Professor X, becoming the new Dark Phoenix.

8. Phoenix Wolverine

In the distant future, it seemed that the Phoenix Force had been destroyed, this entity rose again and made Wolverine its new host.

But in the end, Phoenix Wolverine still sacrificed himself to give the Phoenix Force to Thor – so that the God of Thunder could defeat Dr.

Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2)

9. Deadpool, messenger of Galactus

It all started when the economic crisis broke out, Deadpool was penniless.

Afterwards, Deadpool was immediately accepted into work by Galactus and gave him the Power Cosmic power and a brand new skateboard equipped with a modern engine, so that Wade Wilson could become the new messenger of the planet-eater.

10. Spider-Man with the powers of the Beyonder

Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2)

In Spider-Man & Secret Wars, a humorous series retelling the events of Secret Wars in the past, it is revealed that before Doctor Doom possessed the giant power of the Beyonder, the entity could destroy many people.

For a brief moment lasting about a billionth of a second, Spider-Man possessed the power of the Beyonder & recreated reality according to his will.

Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2)
Top 10 universe versions of Marvel superheroes (Part 2)

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